archived-videos Every 15 Minutes

Hey Everyone,

Well I decided to post something that I did. This the Ever 15 Minutes video I edited for my hometown high school. Wouldn't mind some feedback. I wouldn't mind doing more of these kinds of videos, anyone know of anything by any chance? It's moving. It's a short 5 minute piece. The cool part about it was I got the footage in the evening, and it was to be shown the next morning! Whew!!
It's a 15.5MB MPEG-4, just FYI

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Wow! That's my initial feedback all rolled into one expression. Wow!

Excellent work. Everything came together perfectly - video, music, editing and such a moving theme.

Given the subject matter, it would have been easy to go "over the top" and make a gore film, but this was so well done it literally sent chills up my spine. Congratulations on a first-rate short!

If you're looking to do more videos of this type, get in touch with local non-profit organizations - they'll be thrilled to have you put something together. You may even get grants to fund production.

That was really good, Mr LCA.

Was part of that some kind of vehicle-safety show/demonstration done for the kids at the school?

Your obsession with flamingos is frightening, btw
Man, that brought on flash backs of the time I accidentally drove into a High School Football Stadium during a big playoff game and had a wreck with another person who had accidentally driven into the stadium.

Sorry, just being silly.

The montage of deaths and the arrest was very well done. Like SPaul, it gave me chills. It's cool, cause I've seen a lot of these PSA type films done by High School students, but I've never seen one that dealt with the aftermath like you did.

Good job!

Hey thanks guys. And yes, this whole program is actually for the students. (None of it was real, except the reactions!). The police set up a mock car accident and the whole school came and watched as they reinacted what a real accident would be like, with all the emergency vehicles and the famous "jaws of life". It's to hopefully reach out to those who might be consuming alcohol and thinking about driving, and to show that it's not safe, and it's not funny. It's serious. So that's the whole shpeal on the program.

Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. And I was hoping for chills, thanks!!

ah yes, zensteve, the flamingos. Well, that was all part of a fundraiser when I was in high school. Our band would go out at night and stick a flock of garden flamingos on people lawns, and hold their yard ransom for a $10 donation to the band. Once they paid they would give us a new address, and then go move the flock to their new temporary home. Hehe, pretty funny stuff. Anyway, so we videotaped some of them, and that's where the pictures come from. Just fyi I guess, hehe, good times good times.
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