European Filmmaking Guilds

I'm ashamed to say I can't answer this... and also that the few European schemes I was aware of, have completely dissolved from my memory. So I can't even google for up to date info.

However, I'm off to Cannes in a few weeks and I'll do some digging around whilst I'm there.
Would be really great.
Google told me that there is some kind of European Writer's Guild. But I don't think it is very important.
I found some National Guilds (UK, Latvia, Ukraine, Czech), but I need something more "global"
In the UK the most important guild is PACT

Pact is incredibly useful... at Cannes I'll be looking for the European equivalent. Although PACT does represent at Cannes.

There is also an incredibly important European Producer's training programme, that works like a guild, in that the members network... but I can't remember the name of it for the moment. Which is odd because I tried to apply for it a few years back. If I remember I'll post the info here.
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