"Escaping Eden"

Hey folks. I've begun writing a full-feature science fantasy named Escaping Eden. Having registered the treatment with WGA West, I decided it might be fun to post the script in episodes as it is written. You know, just share the writing process with some fellow filmmakers. Feel free to respond to what you read, because I'll sure listen.

I'm going to avoid giving any more information about the story until the story gives it, so as to not ruin the audience's experience. Be ready for some question marks - a lot will be thrown at you, some without explicit explanations for some time. But be free to voice your confusion if you think it is damaging to the experience.

So, without further ado:
The Prologue
Chapter 1 - The Gift and the Nymph
Chapter 2 - Lost in the Valley

You may also get to the parts on my Projects page.

Please enjoy!
~ Paul
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Any script which features
is A-OK, in my book.

The Flesh Chambers sounds pretty neat. You read any Frank Herbert, btw?
Herbert was Dune, right? (*google*...) Yep. Funny story about that. I read the prequel by his son when I was young, then I read the first, and I liked the prequel better. Blasphemy I know. Perhaps I just didn't understand Dune - this was like sophomore year of high school - but the prequel fascinated me because it explored this vast universe of politics and economics. That feeling of a living mythos awaits exploration really draws me. And that combat - the force fields that deflected fast blows - is genius. Of course, this is all Frank's creations, but the prequel was what talked about it.

And, uh... what exactly is that smiley doing to that sheep?

~ Paul
Things got busy, so chapter 2 is late and a little small. In case you're reading this like, "wtf?" don't worry because I'm kind of writing it like, "wtf?" I mean, I know where I'm going with everything, but it's kind of weirding me out. I think that means I'm sane, right?
Chapters 1 & 2 seem to have some overlaps. :)

Also, you might want to consider actually copyrighting the script before posting any more of it. (As opposed to a simple WGA registration)

I'm liking the concept so far. A lot of Herbert's pulpier works seem to have a presence in this. The "... Incident" books, in particular. Actually, Harrison's "Deathworld" series, too.

Retro sci-fi?

I think that means I'm sane, right?

You're thinking about film... all bets are off. ;)
Don't I just need to declare the work Copyright Paul Frazee 2007? What's the procedure there?

I don't know what you mean by overlaps. It's repetitive?

And I really haven't read that much sci-fi, particularly Herbert's, so it's funny you see his work. It's retroactive, but in a kind of mythological sense. I'll try to put out a good-sized chapter this weekend (but there is a huge party, so I'm thinking a hang-over may be a large influence.)
It may be wise to keep your ideas to yourself, while they are in development. The alternative would be to get non-disclosure agreements (NDA) with a handful of people who can give you meaningful critiques. You want to pick people you can trust, because the NDA just gives you a basis for damages, it can still be hard to prove that someone stole your idea (unless they steal your script word-for-word). The one's you really don't want to trust are your potential buyers. They'd love to be able to use a great idea without paying you a dime.

The way I enforce my NDAs with people I choose to work with is through the use of private/public key pairs (cypher keys), that I use to sign and encrypt my work so that only the intended recipient(s) can decypher it. I'm not sure if you're that security savvy, or you have a need for that level of security, but, if it were up to me, we'd all have cypher keys so we could crypographically sign our work, and seal it for specific recipients. These concepts require some explanation and it's a bit off topic. However, anyone working with valuable, digitized, intellectual property should know a little something about PGP ( Pretty Good Privacy ) - and it's derivatives
Encrypting it isn't a bad idea, but I think my wisest move right now will be to take it down.
Well, uh... they all die in the end.

(If anybody is REALLY curious, PM me and I might tell you a little more about the rest of the story. If I trust you, that is :secret:)

Sorry folks.

~ Paul