archived-videos Episode 03: Lady X (A Global Cooperative Indie Film Series)

Lady X heads West!

After completing her mission in Hamburg, Lady X jets overseas to the espionage hotbed, Kelowna, B.C., Canada, to pass on orders to the local operative, Trance Blackman.

Don't hesitate, eh. Go to and click the "Episode 03" link.

The Lady X Crew

Episode 03 Details:

Location: Kelowna, BC, Canada
Directed by: Neil A. Wentworth
Written by: Neil A. Wentworth
Camera Operator: Nori Wentworth
Boom Operator: Alan Falt
Production Assistants: Alan Falt, Scott Hutchison, Bob Verigin
Edited by: Neil A. Wentworth

Cast: Trance Blackman (Trance); Joanna Savard (Lady X), Scott Hutchison (Mercedes Driver, Bus Guard 1), Vance Deimling (Bus Guard 2), Bob Verigin (Guard 1), David Klaver (Guard 2), Mike Bottomley (Baseball Bat Guard, Guard 3), Alan Falt (The Hanged Man).

Music: Darryl Taylor
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Third Time's a Charm

This one is definitely better tan the first two, visually speaking. It looks like it was either shot in HD, or it was touched up in post production. And it is shot very well.

The story, however, was very confusing. It basically was a guy trying to recover a device, but he kept messing it up. It would show him being captured but then he'd start over at a certain point of his plan (kinda like starting over a level in a video game). The end was just way too confusing for me. I didn't really get what was going on, or why he kept getting a do-over. Plus, what was the significance of the baddies calling him "Shooter"? And when he gets **SPOILER** shot, why does he wake up sitting next to X, having accomplished the mission?

The director seemed to have a very visual style, but needed improvement on his storytelling instincts. But then again, he's making Lady X shorts and I'm watching them.


Pok i think your wrong about the film being shot in hd , it would have been much nicer.
Touched up in post maybe..
I liked the DFX in the begining but the film stopped downloading about half way thru so i didnt see the whole thing.
Looked like a pretty decent production but it didnt impress me too much.
(No offence but im tired of the gun toting spy game flicks that are circulating in the indie circuit) They have to be extreamly exciting to draw my attention)
Seems like 80% of indie filmmakers are TRYING to shoot action flicks that just turn out to be a lot of bad acting.
Man what happened to great story telling?
Yeah, sorry but the plot was lame, the acting and choreography had a hell of a lot left to be desired. The one thing that kind of interested me was the filming. (Not the filming of the car chase where the camera was above a bunch of girls in a parked mustang. I don't know if it was on accident or not, but the action shots were fairly smooth, yet handheld, and it looked good, and then the scene shots seemed to be on stands. Good mix. Too bad the rest sucked. Once again, sorry.
who the hell goes on a spy missions with a droopy grandma sweater from banana republic?

who the hell walks around on gaurde with a hammer and and axe crossed on their chest like a bra or an egyptian statue?

I think it was supposed to be a cross between james bond and momento.

Good work dude, im sure you learned a lot from this production. Visually it was pleasing.
malinusmaximus I agree. I think if an idie filmmaker is going to make an action flick they should focus on character development. I mean look at the professional and albino alagator, both action flicks and both focus on the characters instead of just running around cheap pyro effects and 2.00 doller squibs
At this stage in the game ...

... I just don't want to criticize too much, but a lot of the (now 10) Lady X films aren't my cup of tea. I agree that there are too many action shorts with little to no story or character development. I'm just trying to say Good Job to these filmmakers who had a vision and saw it through to completion.
