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Enjoy Horror Flicks? Take our survey!

Most of the surveys/research that have been done on horror films and horror fans are done by people who aren't fans and don't really get horror. One of the things we're going to try to do at KDK12 is fix that, by starting our own series of surveys, focused on horror fans.

You don't have to be a horror filmmaker or a total fanatic--if you like the genre at all, we'd like to hear what you think. The survey takes about 5 minutes, and can be accessed at http://channel-kdk12.com/survey-1.html.

Also, please let others who might be interested know about the survey, as we need as many participants as possible.

Thanks guys!

Just a reminder that if you'd like to take the survey, please do so in the next day or so, as it will be closing soon!