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watch Ending It All - 48 HR Film Project Wash, DC

This was my entry into the 48 Hour Film Project in Washington, DC this year.

The film was shot 1-3 Jun and turned in the evening of 3 June. We had a lot of fun making it, but not a lot of sleep!

It was shot on a Canon XHA-1s.

Required elements for the film project:

Genre: Vacation/Holiday Film
Character: Dennis/Denise Murray, a recruiter
Line of Dialog: I have just one question...
Prop: Keys

I hope you enjoy it and look forward to comments/critique/recommendations.


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I happened on to one of your films, "Locked", on YouTube when I was actually searching for something else. It was very good! I enjoyed it very much and passed it along to another filmmaker who also enjoyed it.

What a FUN short! I composed the score for a short film for Dallas' 48Hour Film Project which had its screenings last night. What a LOT of people forgot is the story\entertainment factor. A lot of teams were so bent on "We're gonna make the coolest movie with the sweetest camera.. and the editing is gonna be awesome and we're going to blow stuff up and make heads explode" etc.. etc...

But as cool as it may look, if your story\writing sucks, then it's all for nothing (In my opinion)...

That being said -- Your story was great! I laughed out loud on several occasions... and if your city was anything like mine, I'd assume that your production values were above the average.

For my own personal taste, I feel like the black outs between scenes could be much shorter..

Regardless --- Great work!!