archived-videos En Passant.. color or b/w?

Hey all, I'm debating which version to stick with, as I noticed both versions, the color and b/w has a style of it's own, unfortunately I can't get this link directly embeded here, so you'll have to check it out at the short film's profile

Short film: En Passant
Sypnosis: two serial killers trying to top off how each can kill the other better...
length: 7mins

in the b/w version Anthony's is more 'vicious' while in the color version, Kyle looks more sinister... I personally like both, however, I think the color one is 'softer' version...

WARNING: after viewing it a few times, you might get nightmares... Seriously, I did and so did a few people... And 13 curse words in 7 mins....

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I watched both versions, B&W first then Color. I don't know why the B&W turned to color at the end... I didn't like that, personally.

If I had to pick, I'd choose color. The guy with the glasses seemed more believable in both versions, but in Color it seemed even more so. It was like the two were just talking, but the guy in the glasses was believable enough to think he'd actually do something.
I would think the way it's shot (very good lighting BTW) the color would give that extra detail needed in expression. On the other hand the black and white version has a neat style of it's own. I'd go color. Colors are nice.
Johnny -- first of all, great movie! I really enjoyed this, regardless of version.

Based on the two versions as they are right now, I think I would opt for the BW version. However, as I was watching the color version, I pictured it with a grainy washed-out 70s film look to it...that might be worth seeing. But again, between the two you currently have posted, I like the BW better.

Great work!
ok, this is 2 - 2, not going to help me much :)
but at least you guys enjoyed it, thank you for watching.

I just received an email from a friend whom pulled out a scene from Casino that actually had a guy being stabed with a pen on his throat (several times).... Very very similar to the descriptive in En Passant.

The concept was mine cause I wanted somethign twisted, then I asked Kyle who is Jonathan Napier in A Joker's Card to write it up as he is majoring in psychology, and he did some research and pulled these names out and 'scenarios'

Then Anthony was invited to play Tony as it fits his character (I just have that 'diabolical' feel that they both would be perfect serial killers type) - so it just went from there...

As for lighting, it's just a 100watts light bulb above them, a 60watts stage light on one side to added the tone, and that's it. The blueish in the back is just the sun light shinning through. It was shot on March 5 (a day after the premeire of my other music video) in 3 hours with DVX100a, in 24p advance, however, it was edited in 30 instead of 24p, didn't see the need for less.

We did sit down one day and counted curse words used... 13 of them, kinda overkilled but it fits well to the persona that Kyle played... :)

Thanks again for watching.
I already told you, I like the B&W, and I second the comment about disliking the color keyframing near the end. I like the moodiness of the B&W.