Elephant by Gus Van Sant..

wow.. i watched this movie yesterday and it completely wowed me.

The plot was straightfoward and there was no technical camera use - it was all so simple but so bizarre and strange at the same time.

Even though the plot was straightforward it was still chilling. Two kids killing kids in their own school? Even worse picking the off like they're animals and to make it worse it's based on true events! anyway it wasn't the plot that wowed me it was the acting and the way he had written the movie.

I personally think that Gus Van Sant wrote it in a way to challenge the audience.. a lot of the time in the movie it was all quite calm and not once did someone think to ring the police etc.. The audience would be sitting there thinking what the hell is everyone doing, at one point in one scene it frustated me very much (which is the reaction i think he wanted to create)

Anyway these are a couple of my thoughts.. It was a good movie and totally indie with all it's awkwardness :)
It's a fantastic piece of work. Beyond trying to create any illusion of emotion, he put maximum focus on realism, and he delivered.

Although sinister, it captivated what i can only imagine as a traumatic experience, to the letter.
Yeah I really love this film too. It's one of those films I don't tell a lot of people about, because I think you have to have a very particular taste to understand and ultimately enjoy it. It's a very intriguing observation of modern society, and what's even more interesting to me is that the killers don't seem to have any real motives, at least, none that could provoke them into what they planned.

It's interesting to me that they seem cultured (piano-taught), and also that they're homosexual.

This films mystique is multiplied when you try and compare the characters created to the real killers and real events, and the similarities and differences.

I love the realistic atmosphere, and the structure/format of the movie. I really think this is one of the best films of its kind.