editing Editing an awkward scene

We shot a scene this sunday where a flower delivery guy, Ray, tries to ask a girl, Mirabella, out on a date. Earlier in the story, Mirabella got shot by human traffickers as she was trying to escape a motel and got hit by a flower delivery can, driven by Ray. This takes place a month later the incident..


It was challenging but fun trying to piece this scene together! I earned how much pauses control an actual flow of the dialog.. pretty interesting!

As always, audio work is still progress :)

This is a scene from my first feature that I'm working on, The Tramp.
www.TheTrampMovie.com woot!
Interesting and the audio sounded pretty clean on this end.

I find subtle scenes a challenge as opposed to highly emotional scenes. I would guess it's similar for the actors, also. Just curious, how long did this scene take to shoot?
Vader, it took us about an hour to get it done. A guy actor, Jason, was great but he knew his lines very very good and I couldn't get that musk of nervousness from him, so I asked my lead actress to feed the dialog randomly, not how it was written out, to confuse him. He got nervous pretty quick at that point :)

Johny, thank you!
The actress is great, really natural and terrific timing!

I'm guessing you had to piece together a lot of bits of the guy's dialog in those over the shoulder shots to get the flow you wanted.

Really teeny thing that I almost don't want to mention, but I will anyway... I just thought it was a little odd that she turns around and starts back where she came from when she (temporarily) stops talking to the guy. Maybe in context it wouldn't stand out, but I expected her to try to get around him and keep going.

Looking forward to more!
Haha yes, a flower delivery can :) it's a new thing.

Thank you for noting a little discontinuity. I ll be more careful next time.
I was a lot of cutting for the guy's part (Jason Rivera). A girl (Cindy Lemos) did great! We actually did only two takes of her OTS parts. Great actress!