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Edit suggestions?

Is the flashy-light effect supposed to be that "broken lights in basement" look? 'cos if it is, it could be a lot sharper.

The girl's face at about 0:26 is really dramatic, btw. Classic uh-oh moment, for the viewer. :cool:

Blood hits the camera lens - are we supposed to be POV inside the washing machine?

Is this the film in entirety, btw?

should I add something else to made the story more "rich",

There's no real story, so far. Woman gets shot; sock gets away.

Why did our sock commit this atrocity? What did the woman do to deserve it? Did she deserve it? Who (& what) are they, and what is their relationship to each other?!

If that's all you're shooting, you could whip up a v/o to help explain things a bit. (If you're shooting more material, then it's probably all good)