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watch Ed - A Short Comedy

Video's totally black past 4:50, with only a song on audio. Did the upload get corrupted?

Wasn't quite sure what to make of this, tbh. Fight choreography was quite good, but trying to work in too many of those epic hits & effects. Not so keen on the cc choices, either.

Had a good laugh at first sight of RRH & the Wolf.

The film's all over the place. It kept getting my attention back at several points, but doesn't take any of those points any further. Just introduction of new elements. I wanted to like it 'cos there's a lot of fun stuff happening that can really go places.
I think the video ends at 4:50 that's why it has a black screen so we can listen to the nice country music and look at no credits, but good stuff man, Little Red Riding Hood riding the Big Bad Wolf had me dying LMFAO! more more!!
Absolutely loved the bit about - "I am walking here" :D

On the other hand,there are quite a few story discontinuities,no major spine or plot line.
The bit about "betrayal" has no drama as soon as u show whats happening to the viewer but no to the main hero,the reversal would add more interest.

Nice experiment on some slow mo and good luck with your next projects ;p
I agree, the film has it's flaws. IMO, we needed a more satisfying conclusion that tied up loose ends, particularly the mortgage and revenge on the Boss. Lesson learned.

The editor (a fellow student of mine) expected me to add the credits and a blooper reel. That is why he kept the song playing so long. I should probably go back and fix it.
Long story short, the alternative version has credits (it was a school project at this local community college I'm attending). That's the cut I turned in. The better cut out of the two (w/o credits) was sent to me via email right before class.

Yes, I probably should have added credits before posting online.

Moving on