Dreams of being in the film industry, scared of failure

Oh why hello there.
My name is Mike Peterson, and my biggest dream of all, is to be involved in the film industry.
May it be shooting movies, directing, or just editing.
I have a youtube account, but I'm no where near professional yet. I'm just finishing highschool.
The only credible kind of film I have are silly class projects http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSZWrP-0CWE
But one day I dream to make movies, and I will do anything to achieve that goal.
But there is one problem. The film school I am going to is Full Sail university, and I'm sure amongst this site, people know of it's bad rep. This being my school is pretty much set in stone, I had not known of its horrible feedback before I signed up. But why would I believe some douche on some random forum right? Well it turns out almost everywhere this school receives hate. But this is the kind of school where it seems only the kids who apply them selves are the ones who succeed with there goals. But my senior year is coming to an end, and I'm preety scared that I will be wrong, and this school sets me up for disaster.

So the real question is, by going to Full Sail, have I doomed myself for ever finding a career in the film industry?