archived-videos Donna's Room trailer

That looks like it should be a good short. The trailer was pretty dark, but I'm guessing that was intended.

Kind of reminds me of Kiss the Girls in a way.

Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, the trailer looks dark on certain monitors. Sorry about that. It is intended to be dark, but not muddled, which it appears to be sometimes.

Thanks again for looking!! :)
~ Stephen
The trailer isn't dark on my monitor.

I liked the music and the final line. But the sound fluctated, and I didn't like the flashes.

I am intrigued as to what this film is actually about though, so the teaser did it's job.


Thank you for checking it out!! Actually, we REALLY lucked out with that basement. It's an old industrial building that is being renevated into different office spaces, and that was only half of the basement. The other half was CRAMMED with all manner of crap!

It was a great location, but when we got there, we found out that none of the outlets were working, so we ended up running about 200 ft. of extension cords in order to run our lights! Plus, just before we started filming, a BAT came out of nowhere and started dive-bombing the crew... It was quite the interesting shoot. :)

IF you're interested, the DVD is available for $10 (+ $2 shipping).
It contained behind the scenes footage including rehearsals and auditions, and an "Anatomy of the Scene" featurette. IF you're interested, you can post here and I'll give you the details, or email me at

Thanks again,
Looks very interesting. I had the same problem with my flick it looked dark on some screens, and it looked fine on others. Just the internet ya know.
I know what you mean... you get some wacky results on different monitors, too.

We held the cast/crew screening of "Donna's Room" last night, and it was an overwhelming success. Everyone really seemed to dig the flick, which means a lot. People put in a lot of time and effort for very little in return, so you want to produce something that everyone involved can be proud of, and I really think we did!

**Now if only we could start generating some DVD sales...**

~ Stephen
Rochester--this looks right up my alley! I am quite impressed and intrigued by the trailer. It also appears that you may have struck gold with your lead actress. She seemed quite convincing. Best of luck!

Thanks! Yes, we did strike gold with our lead actress. She has appeared, in some fashion, in every production we've done. She's our ace in the hole. She started off auditioning for a small role in our feature, and we knew right away how good she was. After that, she kept taking small roles in everythnig we were doing. I wrote "Donna's Room" specifically for her because I wanted to get her as the lead in something as a "thank you" for working with us all of the time. She jumped right in and really took the role and ran with it. Honestly, I think we'd be lost without her!!

~ Stephen