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watch Does this suck?

* Way too dark in the first bit...we need *some* kind of definition somewhere in the scene.

* Camera work is really weak. For example, the part where the guy jumps down off the stage...it's too shaky to begin with, and then the camera *way* over compensates following him down...those kinds of camera moves require practice and multiple takes to get right. It looks like you just did one shot of everthing.

* The lighting (or lack there of) was bad.

* What's with that fast blurring? Don't do that. :)

* Audio is bad.

* What was the point of the short?

* There was no story, and no ending.

* There was a total lack of editing...it seems there were a few dirty jump-cuts that didn't work, and the rest were camera fades.

* The music was the best part, and I'm sure you guys didn't write that.

This is a great exercise, and I would keep at it. As far as this piece sucking? No comment. You're too inexperienced to judge that harshly.
Does it suck? No. Will I ever remember anything about it? No. But a lot of Films that make a lot of money are like that.Keep plugging away and good things happen.
Vague enough for you?
It doesn't suck although the lighting it's terrible , specially the first 40 secs . But the concept is nice , but there was no ending. Just keep doing stuff , cause we are always learning
I wouldn't say it sucks, but it could certainly use some work (I'll join everyone else and cite the lighting as the thing that bothered me the most).

That's the whole deal with filmmaking or any other creative venture. If you're doing it right then it should never really stop being a learning process (there aren't a lot of universal truths to art, but that's one of them). You put something together as best you can, put it out in the world and try to learn from what worked and didn't work as you move on to the next thing.

As long as you do that, then this certainly didn't suck, and it definitely wasn't anything like a waste of time.
There is nothing I can add that wouldn't just be a re-wording of the previous 4 posts. Keep at it, watch it, learn from it. Nothing you create when you first start is going to ever be exactly as you envisioned it. Like anything else, film making takes practice.
I'm gonna call troll on this one.

Previous thread is the marvelous Is this pretentious? film. :rolleyes:

I dunno if you're making fun of your own film, or mocking someone else's honest attempt, but I'm seein' a pattern here.

It didn't suck but it wasn't good either. However the mood was well captured but you need to focus on these things:
*Lightning(as many have said)
*Takes(take many instead of one, i had that mistake before and it was f****** frustrating when i saw a terrible shot)
*Story and Ending(yours lacked both)
*At the middle of the movie somewhere you cut too much so you kept hopping all around.

Do these kind of films often and you'll be great.