sound Does this commercial need music?

You might want to add maybe some funny kind of music but also dramatic but i would have it fade into the background. It also could use more dramatic music at the beginning but thats just how i would put it...
imo, no need for music at all.

The audio (audio in first half contrasts really badly with the non-live part later) & editing could use some work (timing is off - but that's just my own personal judgement).

The actual concept & joke is hilarious, though. I can see the funny in it, as is. :cool:

The other ads were very well done, btw. The Lobster & New Dehli ones.
yea timing is slightly off in the beginning esp for the small business guy

the video is funny btw :D

for the music-i dont think first half needs music , though second half could work really well with some dramatic music-cellos and all.thats my opinion.