Basically I want the guns that can simulate gas blowback, and then I will have someone add the remaining VFX in post. However, I cannot find a website that has a lot of selection. Replica firearms, doesn't sell gas blowback particularly, and only saws 'replicas', which are different. And a lot of people have recommended Short USA, but every item in their catalog that caught my eye, is 'out of stock', on their site.
Does anyone know any better sites, that have more in stock, by any chance? There is one place I found but the guns are more expensive than Shorty USA, and I was wondering if there any places that more closely match Shorty's prices.
Does anyone know any better sites, that have more in stock, by any chance? There is one place I found but the guns are more expensive than Shorty USA, and I was wondering if there any places that more closely match Shorty's prices.
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