Documentry help

Ok so here it is. One of my really good friends died recently. He was an awsome person a great performer. He won several music awards over his long carrer and wrote his own music up till the date he was snatched away from us. Most of you on here may not know him but what i want to do is make a documentry of him. The documentry is for his loyal fans and those who have not meet him yet. What I was wondering is how do you write a documentry what to pay attention to in filming it and any legalities i need to be aware of about producing this. Any and all help will be appreciated.
Ok so here it is. One of my really good friends died recently. He was an awsome person a great performer. He won several music awards over his long carrer and wrote his own music up till the date he was snatched away from us. Most of you on here may not know him but what i want to do is make a documentry of him. The documentry is for his loyal fans and those who have not meet him yet. What I was wondering is how do you write a documentry what to pay attention to in filming it and any legalities i need to be aware of about producing this. Any and all help will be appreciated.

Im not sure the "officail" way of writing documenterys, but hear is what i would do!

I would start by making lists of some of the people that were close to him and knew him. (friends/family)

You then would want to set up interveiws with these people. You can write down a list of the questions that you would want to ask the people. Also have them talk about him, and what kind of person he was and how they knew/met him.

Also you might want to get some interveiws with some loyal fans that did not know him personaly, but know about him only through music.

Ive never made a documentary but this is how i would start just off the top of my head. Im sure other people on hear will be able to help you much more than i can!:lol: