Documentary with SAG actor

I wanted to check on this and see what the current standing is for SAG. If I were to do a documentary on the life of an actor who is participating in the project as just themselves, does the project have to be through SAG or is it ok since the actor is only their real self (aka reality).

If required to do through SAG, what are the cheapest options on handling this as I'm pretty much funding it on my own.

I'm pretty sure that the SAG requirements are only applicable for 'acting' work, thus the actor could appear as themselves in a documentary – no different from giving an interview – without worrying about the SAG rules.

Presumably you aren't paying them to be a subject in your documentary?

But, even if you are, I don't foresee a problem. A SAG actor could, for example, fix the plumbing in your house without being obliged to follow SAG rates (though that'd probably be cheaper...).

But there are people here who know far more and can give you a definitive answer.
In most cases SAG-AFTRA covers any appearance in front of
a camera; including interviews. There are some exceptions
and options available.

You're right, Nick, if an actor were to work on plumbing they
are not under the SAG contract. However, a documentary
may very be.
In most cases SAG-AFTRA covers any appearance in front of
a camera; including interviews. There are some exceptions
and options available.

Wow, seems a crazy rule (and another thing that makes me glad that we have a much more flexible actors' union here in the UK).

Out of curiosity, would a production have to cover the costs of an actor doing a promotional interview for a film? Or appearing at a recorded live event? Even if they're doing it of their own volition and not in conjunction with the production?