DoctorFonzo Films

Hello. I am a member of an amateur film making group known as DoctorFonzo Films. We do film parodies, home movies, and other random film projects. Almost all of our work is improv (meaning we don't write scripts for those who don't know.) We've recently been trying out forums to try to gain a small fanbase, because well...what's the point in making films if nobody is going to watch, am I right? We haven't done much, but our work so far includes...

  1. A School Project that somewhat explains Totalitarianism through the movie, Animal Farm.
  2. A parody of the Ancient Greek play, Antigone.
  3. A parody of The Hunger Games, in which everyone appears to be mentally challenged. (We kind of want to redo that one or at least add an alternate ending)
  4. And the first episode in our Bad Salesman Series.

We post all of our videos to the DoctorFonzo Films YouTube page.

Please give us any constructive criticism, or random comments to help us improve if you choose to view our content. Thank you and I'm looking forward to interacting with you all in the forums.