It's like all movie scripts now are being generated by Microsoft Movie Magic (limited edition) Just pick a genre and basic theme and out pops a script.
Actually, I believe all Hollywood scripts are being written by this guy:
BTW, I hate to jump in the middle of something, but I think you seriously mis-interpreted Dready's joke. When I read it, I didn't take it as any kind of attack on you, or any stereotype, and I doubt that's how she intended it. But hey, this is the internet; misunderstandings happen.
To answer the OP's question, I'm with knightly. I'm digging what's being put out right now. Heck, the latest blockbuster, "Thor", is kinda rad, and you can't tell me that it's unoriginal. Sure, it follows a tried-and-true structure, and a few genre conventions, but I don't believe this story has ever been told on the big screen before. And it's a fun movie.
How about "Bridesmaids"? Comes out in a couple weeks. Looks hilarious. Getting good reviews. Can't tell me that one is unoriginal.
Have you seen "Source Code"? Definitely not unoriginal. Pretty damn unique, actually. Smartly-written, emotionally-engaging, what more do you want?
My honest opinion, if you think movies today are lacking, compared to the past, then you are either looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, or you're looking at today with blinders on. It's not like there was a new awesome movie in the theaters, every single week, in the 70's. They had a lot of crappy movies back then, too. And there are plenty of good movies being made right now.
Who's looking forward to "Super 8"?!!!