Well it's taken long enough, but I was finally able to get this thing online.
If you don't remember hearing about this, I put a teaser online for it back in October, which is in this thread.
This is the film that I was 1st AD/Editor on, and we premiered it in the Twin Cities back in November.
It was very well received, and I hope you all enjoy it. There are of course a few problems with it, but hopefully they won't distract you. For the most part they're minor, and shouldn't be noticeable, though some of the audio (music wise) just isn't quite right, but we were under a time crunch to meet the submission deadline for the premiere, and haven't gotten back to it to get it right yet. So, although in the credits it says I did the music, that's not quite accurate, as my sound guy got that put together for us last minute using loops from soundtrack pro. However, the closing credits music is original, composed and performed by yours truely, which as I'm not really a musician is saying a lot...
Anyway, without further adieu, I give you Do Us Part
(This is an mp4 file)
If you don't remember hearing about this, I put a teaser online for it back in October, which is in this thread.
This is the film that I was 1st AD/Editor on, and we premiered it in the Twin Cities back in November.
It was very well received, and I hope you all enjoy it. There are of course a few problems with it, but hopefully they won't distract you. For the most part they're minor, and shouldn't be noticeable, though some of the audio (music wise) just isn't quite right, but we were under a time crunch to meet the submission deadline for the premiere, and haven't gotten back to it to get it right yet. So, although in the credits it says I did the music, that's not quite accurate, as my sound guy got that put together for us last minute using loops from soundtrack pro. However, the closing credits music is original, composed and performed by yours truely, which as I'm not really a musician is saying a lot...

Anyway, without further adieu, I give you Do Us Part
(This is an mp4 file)