Do my friends have TOO much confidence in their project?

Ever since I showed two of my friends my short film (almost done), they have been super excited, and are not going to make one of their own. They are practicing like crazy getting the cinematography they want and working real hard. They wrote a script that is longer than my first, an will require more complicated things, such as actual costumes, that you have to make, and fight scenes, that may sound like they are more complicated than mine, on my first try, and what sounds like to be a bigger cast.

I am wondering, if they are getting two far ahead of themselves, as I know I did on my first. They said they are learning from my mistakes, in the footage, which is all good, but I don't know if they are throwing their money away. They have spent a lot of it on more advanced video equipment than mine, but want to borrow my audio equipment, which they can, and I'll help gladly. But I wonder if they are getting in over their heads, with these bigger production values, from being inspired by my short. Thoughts?
Why don't you produce/1st AD for them? Be the "nuts and bolts" guy on this one, handle the technical aspects (budget, scheduling, etc.) and not worry about the "creative" parts. This is a part of building your network and trading favors. You work for them, then they work for you, pool your gear, etc.
If they are learning from your mistakes, then they have learned a lot.

Are you really gonna start asking questions on behalf of your friends? I'm not sure that I can tolerate that. Let them worry about themselves. They're probably much better off that way.
I just don't want them to take on something too big for them, and want to help them do their best. I might want to produce but would like to see the finished script first. They are almost done. Don't think I will have to though, cause they already came up with the money, and seem to really want to do it themselves.
Why not help them out, especially if you like the script?

It's easy to say 'you're getting ahead of yourselves' but if you have the basics down etc. you can certainly make a decent film, especially if you're going to get some more experienced key crew members to help out.
Oh I would love to help. Didn't say I didn't want to. I am going to. They want me to act in it and I will. I just didn't think about producing. All I'm saying is I hope they know what they are doing. They are doing night practice shots, cause they want to shoot at night, so hopefully they can get it bright enough, for one example. They have done practice shots at 6400 ISO, which is a no no some say, but I am waiting to see the footage!

I guess I am just worried that they may blow too much money too soon, but who knows, they might do great lol.
If they are learning from your mistakes, then they have learned a lot.

Are you really gonna start asking questions on behalf of your friends? I'm not sure that I can tolerate that. Let them worry about themselves. They're probably much better off that way.


Don't worry about their confidence being too much or too little...

Help them out and learn from their mistakes or success.
yeah, it could be a good learning experience for YOU as well... if not, you'll at least feel more confident in your own abilities
They're grown-ups. They've already said they want to do this on their own. Leave them alone, and let them be the ones to worry that they are getting in over their heads (which I don't see how or why that should be the case.)

Friend's encourage, not discourage their friends.

In fact, the fact that you want to tell them not to do it just smacks of jealousy to me. "But filmmaking is MY thing! What if they do it better? What if they don't need to ask 5 million questions along the way and it still turns out great? Then will I be kicked out of the club? Oh woes is me!"
I'd just let them figure it out on their own...but, if you want them to succeed, you should probably step in as a producer as well, if they approve.

Or maybe I've got the wrong idea. I've never shot a short film so I really wouldn't know...
No it's not jealousy. I am happy to help and look forward to it. Maybe I am just worried, cause of my experience, without having more experienced crew. I am already producing a couple of other projects right now, and have my hands full, as far as producing goes. I am glad to help on set, acting, sound, whatever they want.
Have they asked you to help them? If not, let them do their thing. They're not children. If they ask for help, and you have time and want to do it, then go for it. But it's their project to succeed or fail at.
Oh yeah I'm glad their doing it, and it gives me something to get experience on. I am just worried their using a lot of money on a project that might be too big for their first one.
Meh, it's not really your job to look out for their mney unless you're the Producer.

And trust me, I've been on some bad sets and AC'd for Cinematographers who I was not a fan of their style. You learn as much about what you don't want to do or what you don't want to do on your next set, than you do when you work on a good set and learn aboutwhat you do want to do.