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Do I need a setting for my script?

It's a thriller I am writing to do as my first feature. It's about terrorists going around wreaking havoc, trying to put fear into society and the government, for their cause. Normally a movie like this would be set in a big city such as New York or Washington, but I do not live near cities near that big, and had no idea where I would set it. It has to be a big city with big government though.

I was thinking it could be any city USA, without naming the place. Or would audiences of this type of plot and genre require a setting, in order for the movie to come off as professional enough? What do you think? Thanks.
In my opinion, putting your story in a realistic setting will help sell the story.
You could always opt out and go for some fictional setting, but of course that comes with the process of developing your own universe, which may prove both challenging and fun.

Hey man, if it's going to be your first feature, go all out!
Pull a Cameron/Nolan: Plot it out, shelve it until you can do it right.

Write for the resources you have, not the ones you can imagine.
D'ju see Haywire? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=haywire.htm
Columbiana? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=colombiana.htm RAY BONUS!: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Colombiana.html
Faster? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=faster10.htm
Hanna? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=hanna.htm RAY BONUS!: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Hanna.html

On a stretch, you could do a variant of Legion. http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=legion10.htm RAY BONUS!: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Legion.html

You have access to location settings that you could pull off a variant of any of those.

Get the DVDs at your county library or whatever you do out in the sticks. (;))
Take minute by minute notes.
Analyze story structure and assets required.
Figure out what you could substitute and write accordingly.

Don't make this hard on purpose.

Tell you what, in all your spare time (ha!) do a little homework: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge
Study the events that lead up to and through the conclusion of Ruby Ridge.
Consider the events from both sides of the forest.
See if you can slide it into a three act structure.

Hey man, if it's going to be your first feature, go all out!
Defjon's picking up the tab! Go CRAY-ZEEEE!!!!

Seriously: Know your distribution before going hog wild on expenses.
I could buy a $100k house and have something to show for it for the next three decades.
WTH are you going to do with a $100k film doing nothing on five hundred DVDs in your garage? Pfft.
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Pull a Cameron/Nolan: Plot it out, shelve it until you can do it right.

Write for the resources you have, not the ones you can imagine.
D'ju see Haywire? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=haywire.htm
Columbiana? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=colombiana.htm
Faster? http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=faster10.htm

You have access to location settings that you could pull off a variant of any of those.

Get 'em at your library or whatever you do out in the sticks. (;))
Take minute by minute notes.
Analyze story structure and assets required.
Figure out what you could substitute and write accordingly.

Don't make this hard on purpose.

Defjon's picking up the tab! Go CRAY-ZEEEE!!!!

Seriously: Know your distribution before going hog wild on expenses.
I could buy a $100k house and have something to show for it for the next three decades.
WTH are you going to do with a $100k film doing nothing on five hundred DVDs in your garage? Pfft.

This right here. Don't squander your time and money making shit. If its an epic movie, shelve it for later. Work with what you can now. However, I also wouldn't waste time on a short 5 minute movie. Make it just big enough to tell an interesting story for a few thousand and you might have something.
It's a thriller I am writing to do as my first feature. It's about terrorists going around wreaking havoc, trying to put fear into society and the government, for their cause. Normally a movie like this would be set in a big city such as New York or Washington, but I do not live near cities near that big, and had no idea where I would set it. It has to be a big city with big government though.

I was thinking it could be any city USA, without naming the place. Or would audiences of this type of plot and genre require a setting, in order for the movie to come off as professional enough? What do you think? Thanks.

Honestly, either or would work. It just depends on what you favor more. Putting it in a real city does make it personable to people, but then if you make it too personable people might dislike you for it. Just don't what feels right.

But know this....Unless you instill an amazing psychological mind fuck flow with a very deep and comprehensive story, then don't waste your time until you can get more money for it. Cheap films have to rely on story development since they don't have the funding for the nice special effects.
Well that was the plan, to rely on story development. Not big FX. But what do movies like Columbiana and Haywire got to do with mine? Those are very different. I could choose a city, but it's hard to fake the location realistically. I mean in a movie like Rumble in the Bronx, it was filmed in Vancouver, and suppose to take place in the Bronx. It looked nothing like the Bronx, and you could even see Mountains in the background of a few shots. But no one cared cause it was a Jackie Chan movie. My script which deals with some serious heavy subject matter, people may care more about authenticity, which is why I feel reluctant, to set it in a location that is named.
Well that was the plan, to rely on story development. Not big FX. But what do movies like Columbiana and Haywire got to do with mine? Those are very different. I could choose a city, but it's hard to fake the location realistically. I mean in a movie like Rumble in the Bronx, it was filmed in Vancouver, and suppose to take place in the Bronx. It looked nothing like the Bronx, and you could even see Mountains in the background of a few shots. But no one cared cause it was a Jackie Chan movie. My script which deals with some serious heavy subject matter, people may care more about authenticity, which is why I feel reluctant, to set it in a location that is named.

then go with what's simplest. No one cares about the city. Its what happens within the city. So, just out of curiosity, what are these Terrorists trying to accomplish? What is their "Why" for putting their lives on the line and destroying society from within?
My script which deals with some serious heavy subject matter, people may care more about authenticity, which is why I feel reluctant, to set it in a location that is named.

If you think that people want the authenticity, why would you lean towards not using an authentic place (or image of a place in this case)

Unless I'm not understanding you?
They feel mistreated and ripped off by the government, and society. More is unveiled later. I am actually still working more on that part. I pretty much have the whole climax down, and all the subplots, but still working on the why. bad social working class, not enough privileges, etc.

I've been told before to use set extensions to make it look like a bigger city, but I'm worried that would just come off as fake or low quality while trying to make a good impression on a microbudget film. I could name a place, but no city near where I live looks anything like New York or Washington for example. The closest that my city can pass for is maybe Statin Island, but I have no reason in the treatment as to why the terrorists are attacking Statin Island only when all the government targets would be elsewhere.
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Do you read english?


D O N ' T
N O W H E R E.

However.... Columbiana, Haywire, Hanna, and Faster could all be shot in the places you do have access to - or a story like those. :grrr:

I've been told before to use set extensions to make it look like a bigger city, but I'm worried that would just come off as fake or low quality while trying to make a good impression on a microbudget film.
No sh!t.

They feel mistreated and ripped off by the government, and society. More is unveiled later.
Yeah! Sounds like Ruby Ridge!
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They feel mistreated and ripped off by the government, and society. More is unveiled later. I am actually still working more on that part. I pretty much have the whole climax down, and all the subplots, but still working on the why. bad social working class, not enough privileges, etc.

Just a thought:

Since it seems difficult for you to shelf the idea, how about changing it up a bit?
Your problem is your resources; you have small city, you want big city.
How about write for a small town? These terrorist dudes take a small town hostage in order to gain national, even worldwide attention?

There are just boatloads of crap that can come out of that little bit of synopsis that I know you can write. I'm sure many of the elements already present in your story can be attributed as well?

Perhaps terrorists can terrorize a small town after all?
Then again those actions would terrorize the nation's government.. but you get the big picture.
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Well it can be set it in a small town, but it has to make a nationwide impression and change. Just so long as it does and it sells to the audience. By change I'm talking about changes like how 9/11 changed the country around, but taking it further of course. I thought a bigger more populated city might sell that better. A small town would also make it more difficult for the terrorists to hide among the population but as long as the audience buys it. It just seems me to that there are reasons as to why these thrillers take place in big cities. Movies like The Siege (1998), are not set in small towns, and none of the seasons of 24 are. So it seems there is a reason for it.

But I could set it in a small town to be different, but I have no idea what town to pick or why, as oppose to striking at targets that are more directly responsible. It is the best script I have so far, and I think it would make the best impression for a first feature. I am writing so that most of it is indoors can be shot locally, but for some scenarios, it would be nice to get outdoors once in a while, even if just a couple would help.

Plus you one of you said to shelve the project if it's an epic movie, but I think this is the reason why a lot of debut features fail. When I go to film festivals, the movies are just not as dramatic on a grand scale. A lot of people, have small stories with small things happening. I feel that in order to make a good impression on today's distribution world, you need to make something dramatic on a grande scale. I've talked to people at festivals after the movies were over, and asked them how they felt. They all said the same thing, which was it felt like their could have been more in the story, or a bigger more compelling plot.
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if you really want to make this now, make an establishing shot of a big city, and then zoom in on a small part of it... which is your city... as long as you don't show the horizon (unless you are good at digitally adding a skyrise background) you can probably make something of it.

But you will need terrorist targets : police station, big mall, big bank, city office, local factory?
change the sign of the factory to be something dangerous....

of course if you don't even have that in your city, along with at least 1-2 busy center streets, well then i guess you would have to wait on it...
Two questions:

1) How serious are you about making this?
2) Why do you need a big city?

Ever seen Alien Raiders?
It wasn't the best flick, but most enjoyable - especially considering that the badness of Demon Night - sorry (I actually liked Demon Night), Legion, probably had a 26x bigger budget.

My point is that if you're serious, it doesn't mean that you have to self-fund. In earnest, that's plain crazy!
Get a Producer who knows their salt and make a real go of it.

The reason I mentioned the above flick is because it has global ramifications yet is set pretty much entirely inside a super market.
So why not have terrorists with a global message bringing the world news to their little corner of the world? Hijack a plane, lock-down a shopping centre, a sniper at a theme park... the list is endless, and only Hollywood would have you believe that everything has to take place in New York.

BUT, you do need a good idea with an excellent script to back it up, so start writing - and start TODAY (because this could take a very, very, very long time).
Sorry, I just saw the above post (I skimmed them all after Rayw's initial reply) and it would appear as though you've already penned your masterpiece.
Now you have to fund it.

Good luck.

P.S. (For rayw) Terrorists strike whenever and wherever they feel they can get attention. They're Big Brother contestants with guns and bombs - the ultimate attention whores!
The IRA blew cars up for years and years until they decided to go "high profile" with an attack on Canary Wharf: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Docklands_bombing

Again, suicide bombers sometimes only get a cow and a couple of market stalls; only Hollywood says that New York is the only target of merit.
It sounds like moving to a bigger city would solve a lot of problems for you. Not only could you still shoot at home and get a big city look, but you'd have access to a lot more equipment AND there will be a lot more people willing to act/crew your film.

Just saying. I know it's not a spur decision type of thing, but we're talking about a hopeful career right? You're young and single, anything holding you back?

Back to topic: Momento was a great movie shot in a smaller town. Or at least it looks like it was, no idea where they really did it. It's an easy one to pull off on a budget too only a few main (and cheap) locations and a handful of cast.
They feel mistreated and ripped off by the government, and society. More is unveiled later. I am actually still working more on that part. I pretty much have the whole climax down, and all the subplots, but still working on the why. bad social working class, not enough privileges, etc.

I've been told before to use set extensions to make it look like a bigger city, but I'm worried that would just come off as fake or low quality while trying to make a good impression on a microbudget film. I could name a place, but no city near where I live looks anything like New York or Washington for example. The closest that my city can pass for is maybe Statin Island, but I have no reason in the treatment as to why the terrorists are attacking Statin Island only when all the government targets would be elsewhere.

This right here may be the crux of your problem. Lets examine this for a second. You want to make a movie that involves terrorist attacks against the government, which involves at least semi big government and/or public areas. You also want to come off as unique and different so you can stand out at festivals, and you only have a few thousand at best. Am I right?

Using this as your why won't help you then. I've studied political and social theory for years and even developed a theoretical framework for how violent upheavals against the government occur. And let me assure you, they don't occur in the time period we're living in now (at least in the West). Our lives are too nice. Sure, we're upset with the government and want real and fundamental change, but where's the desperation? Is the government rounding up dissenters and executing them? Is there a food shortage? Are people starving? If the answer is no, then you don't have an environment that could foster a SANE group of terrorists like you want.

So, what I'm trying to say is that if you want the kind of terrorists, in which your audience can appreciate and like, you need to create an environment that's suitable for this. In other words, you can't just have them roaming in a modern day city. That modern day city needs to be completely fucked. I'm talking about Poland 1939 fucked. America during the Revolutionary War. Robspierre and the Reign of terror kind of environment. It needs to be intense, otherwise people are going to think their actions are senseless and irrational, just like they do with various groups in the West, today.

Now, your movie would be unique if you could pull off this grandiose movie since not a lot of people do movies like that, but you're never going to do it with a few thousand. So, you may want to consider revising the "Why" part. Maybe, instead of making them the Freedom Fighters we all want them to be, fighting for justice so that their people can live better, why not make them crazy, like the Joker?

You could make a story about one man who was a neurologist and whose also a visionary and sees the social paradigm we're living in as the wrong way to live but he can't figure out why. Then one day, he gets mugged has an intense moment and suddenly feels reborn. So, he goes on to study why this was so and realizes that throughout most of history, we've always lived in a state of fear and chaos, which has allowed us to focus on the moment, rather then dwell on our mistakes in the past or be concerned about the future. Living in the present moment through fear gave us a sense of purpose and reinvigorates our lives. But in the society we live in today, there aren't any natural threats and therefore, we've become a depressed society. You can have a movie about this dude finding a sizable group of young people and have them go off to carry this message.

So, by spreading chaos to other people, they will leave the incident (those who survive) with a cathartic feeling like they're re-born again. This can feed into the phenomenon as to why public shootings occur. Its a venting system to make up for the lack of violence and chaos that reigns in the Western World. If we always dwell in chaos then we'll always appreciate life and we'll always feel alive and in the moment. That's what they want to spread.

So you see what I did there? I literally rationalized a new why that could fit better with your budget. Now, the terrorists don't have to attack government buildings since society is the ill that needs to be corrected. Also, it resonates better with the audience because instead of creating an enemy to go after, it points the finger at them and says "Change your ways and be a better person." Obviously not through chaos but some of the things they can talk about like being in the present moment and never taking a second for granted, etc. And above all, its more unique then creating the typical dichotomy we see time and time again throughout the World. By making your "Why" unique, you're essentially making your movie significantly cheaper and easier to film because their motives will carry the movie, not necessarily their actions.
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Okay thanks. Yeah the story would be people doing something out of the ordinary for sure, but there have been plenty of movies where a group of people do something outrageous to get demand, so I figure as long as I make it as convincing as those.

It sounds like moving to a bigger city would solve a lot of problems for you. Not only could you still shoot at home and get a big city look, but you'd have access to a lot more equipment AND there will be a lot more people willing to act/crew your film.

Just saying. I know it's not a spur decision type of thing, but we're talking about a hopeful career right? You're young and single, anything holding you back?

Back to topic: Momento was a great movie shot in a smaller town. Or at least it looks like it was, no idea where they really did it. It's an easy one to pull off on a budget too only a few main (and cheap) locations and a handful of cast.

Well I could move to a bigger city but that would take a lot out of my budget, probably too much. As far as one of you said about hiring a producer, most producers will take on scripts done by someone who has only done shorts, and never made features before. Everyone I've talked to online, and in person, had to self fund their first. I was thinking of perhaps going to a bigger city to get some shots maybe. I wouldn't be able to afford a motel cause that eats away at the budget, but if I can lease an apartment for maybe only a month. But most apartments want a longer lease, like a year. I would also get more help in a bigger city maybe, but bigger cities, also might have more laws when it comes to shooting outdoors, and could get much more expensive.

There are at least two big scenes I would want to to travel to shoot though. One of the actors I want to use lives in the big city, and we were going to shoot her parts both where I live, and where she lives maybe, for a couple of bigger scenes, so moving is possibly a good idea, if I can find an apartment for a month only. I would like to shoot most of the scenes where I live though, accept for a couple of big scenes that require more of a big city downtown look.
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Okay thanks. Yeah the story would be people doing something out of the ordinary for sure, but there have been plenty of movies where a group of people do something outrageous to get demand, so I figure as long as I make it as convincing as those.

Well I could move to a bigger city but that would take a lot out of my budget, probably too much. As far as one of you said about hiring a producer, most producers will take on scripts done by someone who has only done shorts, and never made features before. Everyone I've talked to online, and in person, had to self fund their first. I was thinking of perhaps going to a bigger city to get some shots maybe. I wouldn't be able to afford a motel cause that eats away at the budget, but if I can lease an apartment for maybe only a month. But most apartments want a longer lease, like a year. I would also get more help in a bigger city maybe, but bigger cities, also might have more laws when it comes to shooting outdoors, and could get much more expensive.

There are at least two big scenes I would want to to travel to shoot though. One of the actors I want to use lives in the big city, and we were going to shoot her parts both where I live, and where she lives maybe, for a couple of bigger scenes, so moving is possibly a good idea, if I can find an apartment for a month only. I would like to shoot most of the scenes where I live though, accept for a couple of big scenes that require more of a big city downtown look.

Yeah, but how are you going to convince your audience that a group such as them could feasibly manifest within society? Once again, extremist groups do form in Western Societies today, but they're always a minority group who generally isolate themselves from society. They're not well liked by most and almost always come off as bat shit insane. If you're trying to make a thriller where the audience hates the characters then, that's pretty easy but if you're trying to create a terrorist group who could also be considered Freedom Fighters, then you have to be careful in how you rationalize their philosophy and actions against the government and/or society. It can't just be Government corrupt = justification for the use of violence. All governments are corrupt and do things they shouldn't be doing. But, what distinguishes those societies where social upheavals form and those societies that don't has to do with the level of severity that exists within that society. To get your audience to be convinced that what they're doing is right, you have to create an environment, in which that rationale can exist, as in shit's gotta hit the fan...And I mean, big time.

For example, in American society among most, the government is highly corrupt. As of right now, our government is doing horrible things, but if a small group of radical idealists got together and blew up the white house, killing Obama and thousands of other people, including women and children, then you may get a small group of supporters, but you're not going to get a massive wide support such as V for Vendetta because its too violent to be justified. Why? Because everyones comfortable. We can still drive our cars, get food, go out and drink with our friends, etc. We still have a sense of relative freedom and therefore, there won't be enough support for extremist behavior like that.

Anyway, the key to making this movie work is to decide what your audience wants to feel. Do you want the characters to be hated or loved or a mix of both? And if so, what sort of message do you want your audience to walk away with? In other words, what is the fundamental issue that this group has against the government and modern day society and what is their solution? If you don't do this, then your movie will suck because people don't just want action and thrill. They want a story that can play with their emotions and tell them something about themselves.