Do an MA straight away or wait a year?

Hello everyone!

I'm currently studying film at the University of Wesminster in London. I'm in my last year and after I finish I would really like to get more professional into directing which is what I love doing.

However, for me the place to go is the states. I'm Spanish, but I always knew I wanted to study film some other place that wasn't spain (for the experience). So I went to the UK and I absolutely loved it, but now that I have an idea of how the film business works in the UK, I want to gain more experience elsewhere, and my dream place to go is the US (which I've never been to).

I would like to do an MA in the states. The problem is of course the money, so I would have to find myself some kind of scholarship or grant. I am definitely going to the US, no doubt, its something I know I have to do, but my problem is when.

On one hand, I'd like to go straight after I finish my degree, to get on with it, and do it asap, so I can then really get myself out there with all the new information I've learned.

On the other hand, I wasn't sure whether to wait a year, getting some experience in the UK (saving up money) and then going to the US.

Any advice regarding this matter?

I'm not sure what is going to be more beneficial for me....

Thank you all

Alejandra xox:)
Given how my life is gone, I think I would avoid planning too far ahead when so many things are unknown. It's possible that when you graduate you will be offered an opportunity you can't refuse in the U.K., the U.S., or somewhere else. Why limit yourself at this point? At some point, the time will be right to make your move to the U.S., then make the leap.
I was thinking more in terms of getting experience that could be useful in finding work. I don't look at all of the things I've done as getting sidetracked. I guess if you're sure you know what you want to do, you should stay on that course, but I don't think I had enough experience as a young person to really know where I would find my niche. Everything I've done in my life has taught me something and helped me clarify my goals. I sometimes wish I had gotten more sidetracked ... maybe joined the Peace Corps, or something like that. There are so many things to see and do, I would never want to lock myself into a single career choice. Having been "sidetracked" many times has shown me and taught me many things you can't learn from a book or class. I guess it's all how you look at it.
Hey, thanks a lot! Yeah I definitely see what you mean by the whole "sidetrack" of things...

I'll see what happens, cause one thing I do know is that you shouldn't force things to happen...Sometimes its best to let things flow....everything happens for a reason.

thank you all for your replies!

Alejandra xox