DIY Fluid Head

Following this fantastic tutorial, I made myself a fluid head yesterday.

Here's the tutorial:

Here's my test footage. The joints move very smoothly. Almost too smooth in fact, I'm not sure if I need to add some weight or just figure out a way to get everything tightened up a bunch more. What shakyness there is was entirely from my own hands. I think a more skilled person could follow the tutorial and have a GREAT fluid head. Mine just turned out a bit sloppy :/

All-in-all it's a huge improvement on my cheap $20 tripod that I have now, even if it isn't perfect.

So that's it. Any advice for tweaking would be greatly appreciated.

I'd make the stand out of heavier material or weigh it down with sandbags or something - it still looks hand-held a bit to me. But that's just me.

It's a vast improvement over Blair-Witch, however.

Hi ,
This is a good idea...thanks for sharing.
I understand you have a camcorder with an adaptor , did you make the parts out of metal or PVC. Does the design hold the weight allright?

Am not sure if I am going to put my camera on that thing , but might be a good experiment to try.

Thanks again.
Haven't tried it with the adapter yet, but at this point, I need to find a way to make the mount much more sturdy. All it has now is a bolt like a tripod, but that bolt gets loose and sometimes the camera spins (it doesn't fall off, but still makes me nervous). I think it should be good if I can find a way to add that second little 'tab' like a normal tripod mount.

Mines made out of PVC and a sheet of aluminum. I might go with aluminum if I decide to make another, but my drill is weak so I wanted something softer. It's pretty sturdy actually, I think I just need to read up on the proper order of metal nuts bolts and washers. I'm not sure if I got the right kind of bolts.

One problem I'm having is that it's proving difficult to completely lock down one axis so I can more easily move in just the other. This is probably the same 'tightness' problem though...

Right now the monster is bolted to my tripod itself, so that's sturdy, but I wonder if more weight at the top front would help the smoothness?

I think the design on this is 90% great, if I can get my construction skills up to snuff, and with a little design tweaking to the camera mount, this should work really well (I hope).
I am always pleasantly surprised what people will figure out if they go the DIY way...

I don't know if this is feasible with your rig , but if do make a metal one , you could weld a bolt permanently to the head and then attach a quick release plate to the cam can be taken of easily and quickly...

Or maybe this could go well with your current rig...

I dunno much about rigs and constructing things in general,these are just suggestions...
