Distribution question - listing on Amazon?

We've got a distributor that is primarily involved in getting our DVD into stores. They say listing on Amazon is up to us.

How do we go about this? Anyone have any experience with listing on Amazon? They're the premiere site for online retail. If we can't get listed there, we're gonna come across as small potatoes.
There's also info on the site about how to get added as a product supplier directly to Amazon, but they take a 55% commission. Of course, they may not accept it. However if you set up a pro account, it's a $1 fee per sale and 5% commission and you can list new products that isn't already carried. Do the math, and whatever works out best is what you should do.
In order to be a marketplace seller, your DVD must already be listed on amazon. If you are an advantage seller, you can create the product page, and amazon will accept or decline the entry.
indietalk said:
In order to be a marketplace seller, your DVD must already be listed on amazon. If you are an advantage seller, you can create the product page, and amazon will accept or decline the entry.

I guess I don't understand "marketplace seller" then. Is that just selling your own personal used copies of something? Like eBay?

For an item to be listed on Amazon already, that means there's a main distributor, I guess. So I either get my distributor to do it, or I start my own "advantage" plan.
Mad Dog Mike said:
indietalk said:
In order to be a marketplace seller, your DVD must already be listed on amazon. If you are an advantage seller, you can create the product page, and amazon will accept or decline the entry.

I guess I don't understand "marketplace seller" then. Is that just selling your own personal used copies of something? Like eBay?

For an item to be listed on Amazon already, that means there's a main distributor, I guess. So I either get my distributor to do it, or I start my own "advantage" plan.
no, it just means that if you can find an exact copy of what you're listing, you can list it as "I have one too." Otherwise you have to pay to list new objects. If someone else has alredy listed what you want to sell, then it's cheaper.