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Is distortion ever effective outside of obvious applications like a scene of a guy speaking into a PA or playing an old time LP? Or is it generally four wall breaking? I feel like I can make it work for a scene in my short, but feel I've moved on to thin ice.
good question... Dont know..

I think POV shots might make sense to distort the sound... Like in war movies where the grenade goes off and from the solider POV we just here the ringing and everything else muffled\ distorted..
It's a question of "artistic" choice. The decision is between you can do it and should you do it. Is it something that just sounds cool, or does it really add to the scene and the film as a whole? What's nice about post, especially in the digital age, is that as long as you don't work destructively you can always go back to the original. Try it, then listen to it on Tuesday after the novelty has worn off. You can even put the original on one track and the processed audio on another track and A/B them - or even do a blend of the two.

It's times like these that a second set of objective ears you can trust is a tremendous help.