Directors? Movies?

Timur said:
LOGAN L Productions said:
My favorite movies:
The Matrix (the first one)
Star Wars (the originals)
Braveheart, fight club, Life is Beautiful, all good movies

My favorite filmmakers:
Quentin Tarentino
Farley Brothers
Wachowski brothers
David Fincher (not Lynch, Mr. Blonde)
and Spielburg (of course, haha)

:D WE have same taste in movies and directors

my fav director, Ron howard, Aleksei Balabanov, Wachowskie Bros, Spielburg, Michael Moore....(i kinda like him)

Does any one know Aleksei Balabanov? well if any one likes a movie that concentrates on one character... their struggle and ups an downs... well you must see his movies.. his best films are Brat(Brother), Brat 2(brother2), Voyna(war)

They all must see movies

That's pretty cool. I like all kinds of movies, but I tend to gravitate toward action and good plots. Moore is a great director, but he seems a little pushy and extreme about his opinions sometimes...which isn't really that bad. I liked Bowling for Columbine a lot. I'm gonna look up that foreign director later...he (or she) sounds interesting.

ill just list my favorite directors.

David Lynch
Jim Jarmusch
Ingmar Bergman
Quentin Tarantino
Martin Scorsese
Takeshi Kitano
Oliver Stone
Akira Kurosawa
Dario Argento
Stanely Kubrick
F.W. Murnau
Werner Herzog
Sergio Leone
George Romero
Roman Polanski
Mel Brooks
Terry Gilliam
Re: That's Right

Mr. Blonde said:
That's what I'm talking about!! Tarantino is by far my favorite director. In my eyes he's a genious. Reservior Dogs is my favortie of his....

No way!! I adore Quentin Tarantino, he rocks! I'd have to say Reservoir dogs is my fave too but I loved Kill Bill!!! Vol2 isn't out here yet though... :evil:
Christopher Guest
George Clooney
Peter Jackson
Steven Speilberg
George Lucas
Robert Rodriguez
Kevin Smith
Sam Raimi

& there are some others I can't think of.
I respect and like a lot of directors but I mostly look up to Quentin Tarantino.

I would have to say he has had a great influence on my decision to get into films and definitely my favorite.

i really like kevin smith too though :)
Yea QT was the reason i got into filmaking to..and heres another reason....i remember watching Blair Witch Project one night (i liked the movie not one of my favorites or anything just ok) but i was thinking, as they were running around in circles with snot dripping out of their noses, I BET I COULD DO i made my decision and got into filmaking....haha