digital film making book or tape for dummies

I need one of those books. I would definetly want an easy to understand one. I have the real to deal book and will buy a book from troma films, i believe that's a good one to. They're not for digital film making. This will be my first full feature film i want to accomplish so i'm clueless on many things but i'm reading up and making contacts, thanks
max70 said:
I need one of those books. I would definetly want an easy to understand one. I have the real to deal book and will buy a book from troma films, i believe that's a good one to. They're not for digital film making. This will be my first full feature film i want to accomplish so i'm clueless on many things but i'm reading up and making contacts, thanks

Get Filmmaking for Dummies, very informative, with a hint of humor. :yes: