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DiGi Distribution at FIREFALL premiere

Hey guys,

There was a local premiere in Fresno Ca for "FIREFALL" - a feature family adventure film

We were there as a sponsor for the event. I thought this was a good opportunity for some to put a face to the name DiGi Distribution

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Youtube embedding is one of the little quirks of Indietalk that takes a while for everyone to figure out. For future reference, if your youtube link is "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxsLpq_z0fE", you only need what comes after the equal sign, "LxsLpq_z0fE", and then put a youtube wrapper around that (need to be typing post in advanced settings).

I'm really hoping great success for your new distribution company (especially since I will eventually be sending a movie to you). :)
Seems well recieved by audience. Hope it takes off!

Thanks Steve, it has actually been moving faster then I though. I was still going to produce another film before this really off but my time is need here with DiGi now, matter of fact im pretty sure you and Brett were competing for the job :)

Thanks again!
You gotta grab the bull by the horns when it comes your way! I'm glad things are going great. Can't wait to see the growth of your company in the years to come.