Diamond in the rough


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Lots of indie directors have cast has-been, b-movie, somewhat unknown, or TV actors and have gotten great performances out of them, jump-starting their careers, and in some cases, turning them into a hot commodity. Yes, it's easier to get them to sign onto your project than a name actor, but you don't want just anybody. Can you spot a diamond in the rough? Who would you cast? For what role?

I don't mean to sound big headed but i love being on film and the download stats have been interesting.
TPW and Fart Chronicles have MUCH higher stats than Personal Services and Woody, and i was in TPW and Fart Chronicles, but in Woody you only hear my voice and Personal Services you don't see me at all.

However i still consider myself a small fish and completely unknown.
He's been in quite a lot, but nothing really 'mainstream' so I guess that makes him a B actor, at least in the states... I would totally cast Moritz Bleibtreu for something. Seen him in 'The Experiement' and Run Lola Run.. very good.

Have to think a bit more about has been's and tv actors.. especially has-been-tv-actors. :)