archived-videos Detective Noir Trailer

Hey all, I'm newly arrived around here, its great to see that there are communities as large and active as this on the internet that centre around independant movies. I have been trying to promote a trailer for 8 Bucks Productions latest effort, and was directed here by a helpful guy called Business_Eskimo, so here I am!

The project is called Detective Noir. As the title suggests, its in a film noir kind of style, and it centres around a pair of detectives trying to solve a case and bring a dangerous lunatic to justice.

Detective Noir Trailer [10MB] [QuickTime] (Right Click + Save As)

The film is over 30 minutes long, so we're going to release it over the net in three segments, each release probably about a week apart. Part 1 will arrive soon after this trailer, so I hope it grabs your interest. Any feedback would be great.

The two heroes of the piece, Dodd, a veteran crimefighter with a past, and DeClancy, a strange newcomer with no real ability to think, confront a dangerous criminal with a tendency towards robbing banks and burrying the loot, just like those pirates in the comic books...
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Oh yeah, I forgot... I should mention that the music in the trailer is by an Australian blues band called the Bellhops, who also do some of the music used in the film itself. We used 'The Sheik Of Bondi Beach' and 'Shake Dem Bones'.
'sup, good Kengo :cool:

The trailers missing a somewhat important bit... it doesn't hint at the plot or storyline at all.

It does give very clear information on the main characters, however, and also what kind of film you've got here. Looks like it will be fairly entertaining when you start releasing the episodes.

Good choice of music, too. :)
Hey Steve! Sorry for my slow response, I had kind of intended to respond when part 1 was completed, but thats taken a lot longer than we originally anticipated...

Glad you appreciated the music, a lot of people have commented on liking it thus far, its definately good listening. Expect more jazy tunes from the full feature! As you say, the trailer focuses much more on the characters than the events. I guess that as this is the first episode in what we hope will be a continuing series, we wanted to kind of introduce the characters here. We were also worried about giving away too many of the twists and events at the end - I really hate it when trailers do that! I agree though, its a little hard to fathom anything about the story from the trailer, thats a bit of a weakness. I'm glad it conveyed the kind of style and approach of the film though, its definately intended to have some comic moments...