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watch Debates: Cannabis and Schizophrenia

This was a project I had to do for college. I had to create a 3 to 5 minute long podcast based on the subject "healthy mind, healthy body". I decided to create a short documentary on the alleged link between the usage of cannabis and the development of schizophrenia.

I'd like some comments, a lot of people may disagree with the conclusions I came to, a lot of people may agree. I'd appreciate it if some of you would watch it and leave a comment.

Many thanks.
Nice job Olie. I might suggest that you work on your sound though...the interviewee wasn't very loud, while the narrator was at a good level.

Also, you might chop up your narration a little bit more. In places you didn't sound as comfortable with the narration as you should.

A very hard subject to tackle, but you did very well. It is hard to deal with a portion of a subject rather than the entire subject, but you came off pretty fair.

Thanks. I didn't actually narrate this myself though! The guy that is narrating for me was the best out of three I asked, he did make many mistakes, a lot of which I corrected in the edit but the rest I had to live with. I forgot to bring a microphone to the interview as well, hence the low volume levels when interviewing the doctor.

Thanks for the comments though :).