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watch Death of a Dream (A Minecraft Comedy)


A man with amnesia awakens in the world of Minecraft. He begins the first of many adventures to come as he struggles to survive in this cruel world.

This is the first part in a series of videos that I want to make of this storyline, and potentially a full web series.

Let me know if you think this show would work better as a continuous series, or as a few interconnected sketches.

And, as usual... spray me with some gooey feedback :weird:

(animated in Blender. Used machinimated footage from the actual game for the backgrounds)

(This is the first time I've ever tried animating anything ever, so go easy on me in that aspect. It's supposed to be a little crappy... what I'm more interested in hearing is feedback on the story, comedy, and potential to develop this into a serialized show)
I've never watched Minecraft, so that was a bit of a turnoff, but regardless, it's not that bad. Although the pacing isn't best. It felt like some scenes just could have been cut, and others dragged out slightly. IMO :)
Well, Minecraft is a video-game. And I know some of the pacing wasn't the best, but I'm still damn proud of this

I'm also hoping that future installments will appeal to non-Minecraft players, because the main character is new to the world, so he has to learn everything, so the audience is capable of learning with him
For what it is, it's pretty great.

Thanks for being honest about that as well.

I'm going for more of an early South Park/Code Monkeys feel to it, rather than a Pixar or Dreamworks piece. The animation will have limitations and flaws, but that will add to the comedy (later on)
Probably the best vid you've done, imo.

I think it'll be tricky to convince a non-gaming audience to stick with it, but even non-Minecraft gamers will be a good crowd to attract. There's a lot of gamers out there.

Hope your story & arcs are already in place.

anyone else wanna provide some feedback? just to clarify, you really don't need to understand anything about minecraft to understand this. It's not trying to be a niche comedy
for the folks who said they would like to see more:

What kind of content do you think would work well in this series? Based on the introduction you've seen here.