Deadwood Rides Again


Yes, that glorious, profane, beautiful, wicked, deliciously produced and brilliantly written HBO series returns in a Blue-ray re-issue. Word is, the Blue-ray version is stunning.

Grab a copy. It's one of the most fantastic Westerns produced in the last 20 years, imho.

This series has been on my MUST SEE list for years. Now might be the time! Could be a holiday vacation marathon session? Thanks for the reminder!

Now... if they could only wrap up Carnivale with a feature. LOVED that show :)
You, sir, are not allowed to get my hopes up posting a thread title like that. It was just for an insane millisecond where i believed something it could go back into production just like that but then the sadness...

And yes, McShane is quite an amazing actor. His performance is 44 Inch Chest was the exact opposite of Deadwood and he played it equally well. We're also in for a treat next year since we'll get to see McShane bring his interpretation of a pirate as Blackbeard in On Stranger Tides.