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watch Dead Ringer the 48 hour Film Project movie is online...

Hey everyone i finally put the movie up online. This flick was part of the 48 Hour Film Project. Let me know what you think.
MAN! There sure was a lot of people in that film man! How did you get SO MANY people lined up?

second Grilfriend is a good actor. She was real.

Great work, especially for 48 hour project.

How did the flow go after you received the info?
Dang! I'm never giving my number out again! :lol:

That was great. You were the guy in the gray t-shirt at the bar, right?
I'm switching back to my pager. :weird:

:pop: Wow very nicely done I must say. Police actors were a little on the stiff side. Nice concept, nice job.
Thanks guys.

Zen: yes that was me haha.
Coot: the flow was great this was a 48 project but it was so well organized, and yes we had alot of help. Thanks again for the input.