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Dead in the Water Screening

If you're in the Chicago area and want to see Dead in the Water on the big screen you now have an opportunity to do so. Facets and IFP/Chicago will be doing a screening at Facets Theater (1517 W. Fullerton Ave.) on Sept. 19 at 9:00 p.m. Ticket prices are generally around $5. Several cast and crew are expected to be in attendance. I'll post more information as soon as I get it.

We are also tentatively scheduled to do a screening in Lawrence, Kansas in October. More information to come.
So we had our screening last night. Pretty good turnout. Facets seats 125 and we had about 100 people there. Not too shabby for a 9pm screening on a Wed. After the screening we did about 15 min. of Q&A. Even sold a couple advance copies of the film (due for release next Tues.).

There was a volunteer for the Chicago Underground Film Fest there that really dug the movie. He said he was going to show it to the CUFF coordinators and see if they could get the film screened at that in two weeks, not for competition but just a general screening. It'd be pretty cool if we could get a second screening here in Chicago.

There was a new review posted for our film at JoeHorror. While it wasn't a glowing review it still wasn't a terribly negative review which is good. So out of all the reviews to date our film gets between 2.5 - 4 stars which ain't bad.

I hope some of you will check out the film when it becomes available next week. I look forward to hearing your comments.