archived-videos "Day of Oustage" comedy short

This 10 minute short involves some pretty specific humor--mainly video game related. However, I would still enjoy comments on the film making (which by the way I had to shoot, edit, and compose music for in less than a week with no training or experience in any of those areas--and all the material was completely impromptu).

Current mirrors, now with Windows Media!:

HIGH QUALITY, 85 meg, requires Divx
Download it here:

MEDIUM QUALITY, 36 meg, Windows Media Video 9
Download it here:;4129084;;/fileinfo.html --Not sure how good rapidshare hosting is but you can try it out

Email me: wediddoit at gmail dot com
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The last mirror went down so I edited the first post with the new mirror. Please someone check it out and give suggestions or comments.
That was fairly entertaining. :cool:

It could have been cut a bit tighter... easily remove two minutes.

Acting was... well... not going to win any Oscars for it. However, some of the campy delivery by the boss fit the scenes really well... intentional or not.

Looked like there were some unfinished gags left in there... or maybe I don't know enough about games to get the gags. No idea what's up with that invisible fellow in the chair. :huh:

There were a few redundant shots (really noticeable at the end) which could be tightened up a lot. I know what you're trying to do there (it's used a lot in many action films)... needs to flow a bit better.

Great job on the music. :)

Oh... you might want to re-compress at half the dimensions. It will still be large enough for 'net-viewing, but the file size will be a lot smaller... good for your bandwidth and good for potential viewers.

Maybe use the free Windows Media Encoder instead of DivX, too. More people have Media Player installed, than the optional DivX CoDec... and right about now, there's really no difference in quality between the two.


You've got a lot of funny gags and a great concept in there. Good stuff.

How did you end up with just a week to do it? Film challenge of some kind?
Thanks a lot for the suggestions Zensteve. And, as per your suggestion, I have put up a medium quality Windows Media download that's half the size.
Oh, and the main reason we pushed the movie out so fast is that the game that we joked about never being released (since it's been over a year in the works) was announced to be released this month, so we had to get it out before the plot became obsolete.