archived-videos Dark Road Prelude - Trailer

Just one thing...

Oh... and tell me if it works - had trouble with the website recently in terms of the movie playing! Ah well... see what you can.
Great looking Trailer. It looks better than 98% of the trailers I see in the theater. The only thing that makes me give it a 9 instead of a 10 is the perception I have that this is something I've seen before. A video game that in a way turns into reality. While it's not the oldest story ever told, it isn't the newest either.

Anyway, good luck with it.

Wow! I'm gonna have to disagree with pokewowplayer1...I believe that there are few to no completely original stories left. Plus, the believeable spin (the end of the game tells you of a real location) is brilliant. It's out of the ordinary, yet not so far reaching that it couldn't really happen. Also, the trailer has very little actual footage, yet I knew exactly what it was about and was still brought in by it. I give it a 10. Let us know when the movie comes out, or when we can see it or whatever!
started off great, but the ending was very disappointing. I was expecting at least a bunch of flash frames in succession that told me what happened next... or anything MORE about the plot.

The dolly shots looked amazing. The framing nd picture quality are top notch.

I'd like to know more about the project as a whole.

Cheers for the constructive criticism.

I think flash frames have been a bit over done in theatrical trailer releases. So stepping away from overdone convention, I wanted it to end on a more mysterious note and therefore draw the audience into an 'oh hell what's gonna happen' through leaving the ending fairly ambiguous. Remember - wait for the dawn! Did you hear the match burning? mwa ha ha haaaaa!

Radical ;)
Plus, trailers too often give surprises away. I liked that you didin't give anything away really.

Just to make sure I am understood, I'm not saying your idea isn't good, it just seems familiar, but then so do a lot of ideas that I have. I was judging the trailer on the fact that I felt it seemed like something I've seen or read before. I still think it's a good trailer.


Hey guys, just wondered what the person who rated it five really thought of it? Don't get me wrong! I'm just interested for what reasons they rated it five and if they could tell me what they reckoned! 8) We learn from humility and progress through our ears! - ?
Wow, I didn't realize you had a studio for some of the rooms. What kind of budget did you have?

Also, Poke should look at picture #7...IT'S HIS EVIL TWIN BROTHER!!!
Budget? Pah! Who needs a budget when you can blag ;)

We shot this on about £1500 all together...

Basically a lot of it was given to us in kind through blagging it - the studios, the cameras, the lights, the set, the actors, the crew, the props, the you get the picture! :D
Hahahaaa! yes! er... well no... but... it could have got us a long way.

The studio was where I work anyway so I just asked the manager and he said: yes when there's no one there. And the same with the Canon XL1s which I knicked along with my DP from a college media department. The only bit of kit we had to fork out le doshier for was the track and dolly system, and that came out of my producer's pocket.
Golly gosh...

Sexual favours.... we have designated crew members for those sorts of things! :wink: But seriously, Nathan has some serisouly good blagging skills!
Heheheee - designation... but don't you mean delegation? Ah well... it's all the same. spurt?

Anyway... by the way... did people like the after effect compositions? The moving moon and the traffic! that was an after effects trick.
Mr Delta 1010... i don't know if you've noticed how crap the sync is on the website version... but all my cut timing are out of time with the sound design! It looks rubbish compared to the screening version! :cry: