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watch Dark Memories (Halloween themed Youtube series)

Hey guys this is a link to my playlist to my youtube halloween themed series called "Dark Memories" We filmed this on an extremely low budget (like...20 bucks lol) and so far we are 10 episodes in. I post a new episode every Thursday at 8 pm. Just wondering the positives and negatives of the series and wanting to get some feedback from you guys. So if you get some free time check it out! Thanks guys! :)

Jarvel, my response to Jeff's message on Youtube:
Hi Jeff. Ironically, when I received notice of your comment here, I was at the IndieTalk website, where I was reading and about to act on Jarvel's request for feedback on Dark Memories. Also ironically, I actually stumbled upon that series while randomly browsing Youtube some time ago. I'll definitely watch it when I have the time.
Yeah Jeff is one of my actor and a critic of mine too haha Yeah i mean, we faced a lot of difficult things while filming this (Big one was the fact we were forced to move) But I hope you can watch it and tell me what you think. I can only benefit from what you have to say. Thanks!