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watch Dangerous Dave 2

My first attempt at using a greenscreen, i turned it into a short film just for fun.


Most things are done by me apart from the music and some copyright free models i bought.

Managed to rope two friends in to play two of the aliens.

Pretty awesome! Where did you get the fly through graphics and what software did you use for the Dark Legion Trailer?
wicked! that was a right laff... who did the alien costumes?

I made the costumes using some disposable overalls and black die and some polystyrene,the alien guns i
made from plastic tubes and wood for the handles.

The masks i bought from some halloween shop years ago.

The fly through on the other trailer was done using Vue studio pro 6.

Some of the models i purchased from www.Daz3d.com and www.the3dstudio.com

Thanks for looking.

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nice did you use 3d studio max for the corridors? and other things

Vue Studio pro 6 was used for all the internal spaceship scenes,for the external space scene at the begining i used lightwave 8.0.

Also the exploding earth scene was done in Adobe after effects 7.0

OK well, my new program first on my "Must Have" list is Vue 7. I hope it's as easy to work with as it claims.....to think what I could do with that software.....