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watch Cyanide(a silent short thriller)

really nice cinematography. really beautiful and disturbing images. I know this is a very serious topic, but it felt a little too artsy fartsy for me. If I had to put it in a genre it would be abstract arthouse.
The credits are WAY too long. There's two minutes of credits and two minutes of actual content. There should only be a title (if that) of a short this length, and at most - 30 seconds at the end (but even that's long). The message (at least for me) was only understandable because of those statistics at the end. It would have been much nicer if we had seen a sad person taking drugs, drinking, and/or fighting with their partner. This also didn't really grab my attention. It was kind of... boring. Although the cinematography and music was good.

Sorry if I'm being too harsh :(