archived-videos Customer services- creepy comedy sketch

Hello again,

I've made another short 'comedy' sketch that I'd like share. It's on the weirder side if I'm honest.

I'm happy with it but as ever I'm always grateful of any feedback or criticism, particularity with the tone I suppose. I tend to write sketches for myself (as I'm sure a lot of people do) and I personally find it funny. It's gotten positive feedback so far but I'm wondering if the tone has the correct level of weirdness to comedy ratio. Obviously comedy is subjective, but I'm always grateful for people's opinions!


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I think the weirdness severely outweighs the comedy. However I totally see what you are trying to accomplish. I dig the character design! Why not streamline it a bit? If you shortened this by a minute or so it would be weird, funny, and easier to sit through.
That was AWESOME!

Reminded me of Ren & Stimpy.
I think the weirdness severely outweighs the comedy. However I totally see what you are trying to accomplish. I dig the character design! Why not streamline it a bit? If you shortened this by a minute or so it would be weird, funny, and easier to sit through.

Hey thanks for watching. Yeah I suppose I am always quite guilty of not being brutal enough with the cut. My sketches can sometimes feel kinda baggy if I watch them back a month or so later. Did you feel it was dragging a bit by the end then?
Personally, I did feel like it dragged a bit, yes. But like you mentioned, comedy is totally subjective. Looks like the time worked fine for others. So it comes down to your personal preference as the creator.
Personally, I did feel like it dragged a bit, yes. But like you mentioned, comedy is totally subjective. Looks like the time worked fine for others. So it comes down to your personal preference as the creator.

Yeah. I do still like to get outside opinions from different people mind you and I wouldn't say my sketches are always as streamlined as they could be! Thanks for watching it and replying back to me!