archived-videos Custody Trailer and Screening Info

A feature length dramady about single-parenting shot for $2500 with a dvx-100a will screen at The Cedar-Lee in Cleveland, OH on August 11, 2005 @ 7 PM


It played August 3, 2005 to a full house in Barberton, OH and received a long ovation.

Music on the soundtrack includes work from Colin Dussault, Michael Stanley, The Raspberries, Dig Jelly and Zach

Tickets are $10
Hope to see you there
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Good luck with the screening.

The trailer had some sound issues, but there was a couple of funny/slash good shots that I liked (The dad on the couch with all the kids and all taking a drink at the same time, the "new woman" jumping onto the playground with the kids, the "new woman" walking with all three boys hanging off of her).

Thanks Poke.. I've noticed that myself in the Windows files, but until I can find a cheap (free) compressor for QT I'm kinda stuck with wmv
Sound was a bit dodgey at points... looks like a compelling story, though.

That's a hard topic to tackle, especially when it seems to be a comedy or light-romance.

Are the "reds" a motif, btw? Or just coincidence.


I've just realised why I dislike the Judge so much... aside from having a pseudo-British accent like myself
, she is also punishing a person whose name is the reverse of mine! :lol:

Overall, looks like a fine film. :cool:
Thanks Zensteve.

Colors were used intentionally.

It was a hard topic to tackle but it hit close to home. The hardest part has been dealing with single-parent groups. Most were formed by single, custodial moms, and it's as if I've infringed on a sacred area. We've approached a number of groups to market with, and the general response is "Mothers don't leave their children." I beg to differ in that this project was quasi-autobiographical, and as the months pass I meet more and more single custodial fathers, but the point is moot when women feel that they are being forced to share a burden that has been traditionally theirs. In short, they don't want to hear it.