Copyrights revisited

Hey guys, sorry to bring this up agian, but I cant get this question out of my head.:huh:

Okay, there is this franchise , "Flicko's", some of you might have heard of them, that will put your digital pictures or video together with MODERN COPYRIGHTED MUSIC. I have heard that they have an entire list of copyrighted music to choose from.
Does anyone know how they do this??? Is there a package/rights agreement that they purchase???
With the size of the company, I cant think that they are stealing it all with out getting caught.

Thanks for your thoughts..

p.s. I could go in and ask them, but that would mean I'd have to get off the couch.:P
Well, I called Billy in the main corporate office (Because I wanted to be a private eye when I was young).

They said that they absolutely will not put copyrighted music on a video for you.

However they will put copyrighted music on a DVD that is for "home use only"

They have a fine selection of Royalty free music that they can offer though.

This is only what Billy said though.
isn't the phone and phonebook right at hand? I would assume the parent company worked out an arrangement for franchisees.
Thanks guys..."Home use" is okay then? Although they are getting paid and using others music? Okay...

(Ktly) the phone is waaay over there though :lol:
I'm going to start selling copyright DVDs for "home use only". It's ok- it's a loophole. I'm a lawyer, so you can trust me. Well... and amateur lawyer.
spat: will that work ? :P

JES: we need to work on your potato's an art form which I believe you can master. Then you will sink to the rank of spud master 5000!
Maybe "Tater 47".....

Now that I'm up...I'll have to get to work, maybe I'll have to become one of those copyright lawyers.....
ya.....thats the ticket...
Thanks guys..."Home use" is okay then? Although they are getting paid and using others music? Okay...

They can do this, as I have seen several Mom & Pop shops that do slide shows & videos, etc. do this for pay. The burden is on the people who ask for the music and use the video. In msot cases, you sign a copyright "blame" waiver so that the company adding the music says that YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THESE ARE COPYWRITTEN SONGS AND THAT YOU WILL HOLD HARMLESS COMPANY _________ and so forth so that they will not accept any blame.

They can get away with this because they are not mass producing the same work of "art" using copywritten art to make a profit. They are using music that most homes already own and for home use only. It's still a grey area and not 100% guilt-free on their part, but it is less risky than stealing music for a movie for mass production or theatrical exhibition.