Contact needed for Zero Film Festival

I have submitted a film festival entry to Zero Film Festival London through Withoutabox, Tracking No. LDN450. As requested in their guidelines, I sent two review DVDs to Zero Film Festival /London; PO Box 2038, NY, NY 10113; and yesterday this shipment was returned and stamped "BOX CLOSED." And yes, I've double-checked the address given by WAB. Who is at fault -- ZeroFF or the USPS? If Zero, what is their present shipping address? I've posted this message on IMDb and have so far received no reply.
They have a Facebook page and a website with contact info. But I'm sure you used
those methods. They didn't respond?
Thank you all for your suggestions:

I found a festival contact,, and here's the reply I received:
"I only periodically check this account. I mostly handle logistics and media partnerships. For questions and comments outside of this field, or for time sensitive messages, please forward mail to"

So I sent an email to info@ . . ., and here's their response:
"Due to high volumes of e-mail, this account is rarely checked. If an emergency, please send an e-mail to with ATTN: ZERO and what you are writing in regards to in the subject line."

This I did, still no reply.

I'll try their phone number tomorrow and yet another email address,

Is this a legitimate festival?
All I can tell you about Zero Film Fest is that they didn't have even the slightest bit of courtesy to send me a rejection letter for my submission to their festival. Only way I could find out that I didn't make it was by checking their programming.

It would literally take just a couple minutes for them to send a generic mass-email to all of their rejections. I'd like to think that my submission fee affords me the right to almost be treated like a human, but apparently not.

I'm sorry but I don't think you'll hear back from them, Tom. They're too busy to care about the people who make their festival possible.

Chin up! There are plenty of great festivals in your area, or within driving distance! It's better for you to send it to fests close to home, so that you can actually attend. :yes:
I phoned the number posted for Zero FF on their WAB listing, and all I could get is a "mailbox full" message.

So far, I've entered about a dozen film festivals, and I'm sorry to report that at least a third of them never had the courtesy to reply with a rejection email, and those that do reply (including Official Selection notices) often notify filmmakers about 4-5 weeks before the festival begins, making it very difficult to plan ahead.
I have had the same experience. But I found the percentage that do
not send a rejection letter to be closer to two thirds. It's rather rare
for fests to send out rejection notices.

And a months notice of acceptance is very standard. It is typical to
program the festival about four weeks out. The tend to only notify
filmmakers well ahead of time who are draws; those who may get
people to show up. Mostly actors who are directing and (of course)
films with recognizable actors.

The smaller the festival, the fewer staff they have, the less communication
they do. It's quite a catch-22, isn't it? Most of us have no shot at one
of the big fests but the small ones do not have enough staff to treat
us as we would like to be treated. And they don't get much of an
audience either. I go to eight to fifteen per year – most of the time
there is little advertising so people don't know about it and I have often
been the only person in the screening room.

[RANT]The theater is pretty full. After the first short film plays 20
people leave. After the second short film plays 20 people leave. After
the third short film plays 20 people leave.[/RANT]