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Composition Practice

Hi guys.

I'm new to the forum and looking for some film that I can score for some composition practice. I'm not looking to help with any projects, just looking for something that I can mess about with privately. I was wondering if anyone had any video clips without music tracks that they could send me? Audio tracks for sound effects and dialogue would be very handy, but not necessary. Any video would do and I'd really appreciate the help. Let me be clear that I'm not planning on stealing anyones work. You can add a big watermark right in the middle of the screen for all I care! This would be for private use only.

If anyone has anything feel free to PM me or leave a message here and I can send you an email address.

On a side note, how do you budding composers practice scoring other than getting involved with film projects? There are plenty of videos on the internet and it's easy to download from youtube but I always find it difficult to get anything with sound effects/foley/dialogue intact. Generally there's no audio at all.

Thanks alot!
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You may want to check out the Prelinger Archives.


There are thousands of public domain videos. You can download, delete the audio and start from scratch. I did exactly that when embarking on my sound design career. BTW, you should use a pair or three or four of dice to select vids at random; having to work with something not of your choice and perhaps may not like is the best way to push your personal boundaries.
Sure, I can send you something. But, couldn't you just do this with ANY video clip? If you don't need dialogue, couldn't you practice with whatever clip you want?

I've seen musical composers demo reels, in which they use major blockbusters, and just replace the audio with how they would have written the music. And a couple of the ones I've seen are quite nice. Maybe this would be good for you?

Anyway, sure, I can give you something. PM me if you still want it.

P.S. One condition -- if we do this, you are REQUIRED to post your results on this forum. That'd be fun.
Sure, I can send you something. But, couldn't you just do this with ANY video clip? If you don't need dialogue, couldn't you practice with whatever clip you want?

Anyway, sure, I can give you something. PM me if you still want it.

P.S. One condition -- if we do this, you are REQUIRED to post your results on this forum. That'd be fun.

Hi there,

I was looking for videos with some dialogue and sounds which are pretty hard to find on the internet. While I can still happily work without them, I thought that a forum like this would be the best place to find that sort of thing.

And sure, I'll send you a pm.
I'd recommend to produce music for real clients. Each one has a different vision and may have different needs. Client diversity makes your portfolio versatile. I think if you just start composing by yourself without any client feedback, you'll end up making the same mistakes over and over again and in the end you'll learn half what you could have learned.

I am also a starting composer and I have 2 paying clients, I know exactly what they need and every job I receive tends to feel like straightforward production work as the challenge is limited. I'm also looking for new challenges from new clients so I can develop my skills further with or without pay.

It would be nice to have a short available via this forum and have starting composers make music for it, then post all results here and have an on-line film music festival.:cool::pop:

Anyone up for it?
It would be nice to have a short available via this forum and have starting composers make music for it, then post all results here and have an on-line film music festival.:cool::pop:

Anyone up for it?

That's a terrific idea. It'd be great if enough composers got involved. I gave Peewit a 2-minute clip from my current project. I would've given him a complete short, except all of my prior projects are completely edited, and I didn't save any raw footage, or edits without music. On my current project, I've got a lot more than 2-minutes edited, but there's only so much I'm willing to release to the public right now. I'll keep your idea in mind, though, when I'm finishing this up, and I'll make sure to save a completed version, sans music.
Feel free to rescore anything you find on our site, post it here for folks to hear (that's the requirement for using our work is that you share the results here)... I'm not sure I can still get you any copies without the music without significant work on my part, but feel free to use the video itself as a basis for exploration :)
I find the deleted scenes on DVD often lack a score but contain dialogue and sound FX, This is what I have used many times for practice. As some people have said you can just take any scene and remove the audio, but as I am sure you have found, it is not the same as scoring a real scene with dialogue and sound fx where you have to make your music fit to these extra parameters without disrupting the flow of the scene. :)