Composer Available

My best advice is to visit the forum frequently, socialize and make friends here. Posting here once or twice isn't going to bring you any new gigs but if you make friends and network, people will seek you out.
Yeah OK, will do!
I've been working with some students in the US for a few months now on some YouTube vidoes, mainly the Cardboard Warfare series, however looking for some short movies to work on after I finish my current one.

Ill keep an activity in the forum and see how it goes,
Thanks for your advice :)
You're pretty sick and I'll bet you'll have no problem getting a bunch of paid gigs in time...

For now, I can't pay, but if you're looking for show reel work then I'm looking for someone to write a 10 second jingle for my website's new podcast. So if you're ever bored! :D