my name is nick.
i am 25, currently serving at a casual dining restaurant.
originally from michigan, outside of detroit -
recently moved to louisiana, just outside new orleans to spend more time with my brother and sister - with growing families,
and also to pursue a film career (hollywood south?)
i am a fellow screenwriter, and aspiring (feature) filmmaker.
im all things considered horror, mystery, (psychological) thriller, suspense, romance, and detective -
but enjoy any means of conveying a good story.
see you around
my name is nick.
i am 25, currently serving at a casual dining restaurant.
originally from michigan, outside of detroit -
recently moved to louisiana, just outside new orleans to spend more time with my brother and sister - with growing families,
and also to pursue a film career (hollywood south?)
i am a fellow screenwriter, and aspiring (feature) filmmaker.
im all things considered horror, mystery, (psychological) thriller, suspense, romance, and detective -
but enjoy any means of conveying a good story.
see you around
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