editing Colorista!

So I downloaded the demo of Colorista today... been playing with it a little bit, and watched the tutorial videos.

Anyway, man is this a cool plugin!

Seriously, the same kind of control you'd get on a Davinci, or similar system for $200, and it'll work in After Effects and Final Cut Pro? Totally worth it, if I had the loot I'd snatch up the full version right now without even properly road-testing the demo first. :)
looks pretty cool...gives built in mattes (power windows on all of the Grading BTS stuff I've seen), which the 3-way apple corrector doesn't have (you can make them, but it requires duplicating the video layer and matting that, then applying CC to that layer...much more cumbersome. The rest looks about the same though, but adding that for $200 is a good thing (for FCS2 users, may be underkill considering Color is now included with the suite)...I, however, am on FCS1...tempting!
It actually has a few other features the built in corrector doesn't as well..

Check out the videos and give the demo a spin. it's really really slick.

It works in 32bit floating point color space, regardless of the color depth of your project. :)